
How To Differentiate Authentic Designer Handbags From Fake Ones

Authentic designer handbags from all top brands at discounts are available from almost all the online shopping stores. They have attractive offers on the original prices and they all guarantee that their products are original and that they can be trusted vendors. But it is our duty to do enough research on the site and make a sure the handbags you are to buy is actually authentic and not a fake one.

The refurbished industry offers used designer handbags in new like condition with no flaws or signs of it been used before. But there are many players who cheat the customers under the name of authentic designer handbags and sell them fake items. This happens more with the online stores as its easy cheat through online medium.

The authentic designer handbags are nothing but used handbags which are cleaned and restored for it to be used again. The vendor presents his products all fresh and then offers discounts on designer purses and handbags. These items are not replicated designs of the brands but the original designer handbags with all the features and most importantly the official signature of the brand. Products of brands like Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Coach, Prada and many more are offered and they carry their originality with them.

Whereas with fake products are those which are only look a likes. They neither bear the brands logo nor any of its authentic features. But these days the fake products have also managed to get the exact logo of brands faked and this makes it quite difficult to spot the difference. In order to be able to spot the difference you need to know certain facts of your favorite brands. It does not matter if you intend to buy an authentic or a fake, but being able to accurately make out the difference between the two is essential.

The very first level of your mission will be to visit the site that offers discount designer handbags and check if it is certified and study the characteristics of the all the products listed. Look if the products displayed have the exact features as of the original ones. If you not sure with the pictures as they can be taken from the official website then pay attention the prices for each handbag. If the prices offered are too cheap then you might like to compare them with other sites. If this particular site is being too generous then there are possibilities of it being a fake.

Another thing that you should take notice of is the colors of the handbag you are examining. For example a Louis Vuitton designer handbag's strap changes its color from light to dark over time. This feature is seen clear in every product of Louis Vuitton brand. If the product displayed lacks this feature, or a product with this feature is tagged under another brand's name then you just spotted a fake handbag. Also analyze the logo of the bag and the prints. If the prints are not symmetrical and clean you know what it is.
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Beaded Handbags Craze?

A beaded handbag can make a great accent piece to your outfit. They range from small, seed bead covered clutches to handbags made of larger beads that are perhaps a carryall, so you can match your party outfit with a black beaded clutch, or try a larger beaded handbag for your day in shorts and flip-flops at the beach.

Beaded handbags can be bought at many bag and purse stores, as well as occasionally be found at accessories stores. Or you can go hunting for one at craft fairs and crafters' stores. You could even get a fun beaded handbag custom made for you by a bead crafter.

Beaded handbags, earrings, bracelets and other accessories can be fun and trendy accent pieces for anyone. Why not make yours even trendier by making it yourself? You can try to make your own style of bead handbag with a bead loom and some beads. These make fun accessories for yourself and great gifts for friends.

You can get a bead loom at many bead stores, as well as picking out the beads for the project. You'll want a lot of beads that are the same size and type - use different color patterns to make your design.

You can find patterns for how to make your bead handbag on the internet, or there are many books available on beading. Your bead loom can also be used to make bead bracelets and necklaces, which you could coordinate with your handbags.

You can also take an ordinary handbag and bead it for a fun beaded look. Use the beads to sew a design onto the fabric, for a fresh new look for an older, boring bag. Or take a look online to see the beaded handbags and wallets available for purchase.

There are many beaded handbag designers on the internet, with styles ranging from the funky and fun handbag for a party girl to more elegant editions for more formal events. You can carry a beaded handbag to a formal or semi formal event to add a bit of your personality to your outfit. There are even beaded crocheted handbags available, which add another level of texture to a beaded handbag.

Beaded handbags can be works o art. If you like Native American art, why not try out a Native American beaded bag? This gives your outfit some culture and shows off your style.

Use a beaded handbag to add some fun and personality to your purse collection. You'll look trendy while exuding your own personal sense of style.
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Different types of Make up Tools

Different types of Make up Tools
There are different types of make up tool to apply make up on your body. For a professional finish you need to choose right make up tools. Make up tool kit consist of cosmetic bags, cosmetics brush, and cosmetics case, make up mirror and tweezers.  So you should make a tool kit according to your type of make up. The key to having a attractive face is applying your makeup with good make up tools. There is no matter how are you skilled but matters type of make up tools which you are using. So you do not save money on purchasing these tools.
Here is a short description for your makeup tool kit:-
Blusher brush
A blusher brush is smaller than a powder applying brush on your body so it can be easily controlled by a make up artist. The brush that you use to apply for finishing powder is not good to color in your eyebrows.
Lip Brush
Lip brushes are use before applying the lipstick for making a perfect outline on your lips.

Mirror is a necessary tool for applying make up. If you apply makeup yourself then you make sure that it should be near by you.
Powder Brush
Powder brush is used for each time when put makeup on. Use large and soft powder brush for removing dust & cleaning your face.
Cosmetic travel bag
This bag carry mobile makes up equipment. It can be easily carry in wedding parties.
Eyeshadow Brush
Smooth on any shade of Eyeshadow with this Eyeshadow brush.
Make up Sponge

You should prefer a small and soft, natural make up sponge instead of synthetic.
Cosmetics Bag
The use of cosmetic bag is to place the entire makeup tool together.

You need to make sure that you are using the right tool for the right one job. When used correctly, they can make a enormous difference in the way your face looks at the end of the day.
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Clutch Bags and Handbags

Advantages and Disadvantages of Clutch Bags and Handbags
We know that bags are necessary for women, and there are many kinds of bags for women on the market. However, among so many kinds of bags, women like clutch bags and handbags especially.

Some women prefer clutch bags while some prefer handbags, from this point, we could know that both clutch bags and handbags have advantages and disadvantages.

In summer, all kinds of parties come one by one, at this moment, a delicate and lovely clutch bag is necessary for you, and it could also highlight your whole style. You would become graceful and feminine immediately as long as you take a clutch bag in your hand. Though the clutch bag is very small, it still could satisfy you, and you could put your cosmetic products in it, making you become charming at any time, besides, the clutch bag is very easy to carry with you because of its small shape. However, the clutch bag still has some disadvantages. The clutch bag is usually made for evening parties especially, therefore, it is very gorgeous and shining and it fits for all kinds of evening dresses. If you have few chances to attend parties, it will have no applications at all in daily life, because it could not match your style except evening dresses at all, and it could not hold many articles. In other words, the clutch bags are only suitable for parties.

Handbags are used mostly in our daily lives, and we could take them to go shopping or go to work, because they could hold more things, however, comparing with the clutch bags, handbags could not match with all clothes, and we must change handbags from time to time according to the style of our clothes

In a world, both clutch bags and handbags have advantages and disadvantages by contrast. Therefore, we should choose a right bag for us in daily life.
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4 Ladies Leather Handbags that will Set a Rage in Summer 2015

Welcome to our product page of Handbags , in which you can find detailed information of Handbags . Our Handbags is good in quality and competitive in price. We are manufacturer and supplier of Handbags . We export Handbags . We supply OEM service of Handbags for you. We would manufacture Handbags following your specific requirement. We are looking forward to your E-mail and establishing cooperative relationship! We would provide professional Handbags with good services for you
The world of fashionistas is going gaga over the latest rage in ladies leather handbags that will set a statement this summer. Here's the list of four ladies leather handbags that are expected to sell like hot cakes this season.
These bags are never out of fashion as they go well with ethnic as well as western outfits. These ladies leather handbags have adjustable shoulder straps which makes it easier for women to adjust according to their convenience. The cross body shoulder bags usually has one big compartment and a mobile slot and one or two smaller zip pockets. While you buy ladies handbags online, make sure that is made of genuine leather in order to create style statement. These bags usually measure about 30 x 1.5 x 17 cm.
For a sleeker and more fashionable accessory, opt for the messengers. These bags are ideal for daily usage. Working women will find it very useful to carry a whole lot of stuffs within in an organized way. It comes with a flap cover that keeps the compartments safer and prevents things inside from popping out. It also has a small handle that makes it easier to hold. This ladies leather handbags have quite a few inside pockets, which helps in organizing essentials easily. This bag usually measures approximately 32 x 10 x 28 cm.
The women's leather wallet is a must have in every woman's closet. It comes with a sling, to keep your hands free. These bags are perfect for carrying smaller stuffs such as cards, cash, and other valuables. This is ideal for those who are travelling to places. The essential things that are often required while travelling such as boarding passes, cards, cash, time scheduler, etc. will comfortably fit into this ladies leather handbag. The leather wallets usually measures around 27 x 6 x 14 cm.
The envelope bags will be an absolute fashion statement. This bag add elegance to one's style. Not only that, it is dab useful as well. Ideal for parties and meetings, this bag can be elegantly carried with ethnics as well as western wears. The zip pockets are very useful to carry essentials. This ladies leather handbags measure approximately 26 x 3 x 16 cm.

Buy ladies handbags and set eyeballs rolling this summer. These handbags are a magnificent amalgam of style and utility and are apt for smart and classy women.




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Morcce Fashion Co.,Limited has been established since 2006,our factory Located in Guangzhou, China and showroom in Shenzhen.We are reputed first-class manufacturer of ladies’bags,handbags,wallets,belts,and also extended to manicure sets,cosmetic bags,,iphone/ipad case,costume jewelry & hair accessories and other related beauty fashion accessories.

We have proven expertise in products design, product development, research, testing and manufacturing.

As a successful bags and handbags manufacturer, we are well known for our unique and innovative product design, trendy fashions, and competitive pricing. Our goal is total customer satisfaction and we have the ability to meet and exceed the expectations of our customers. We always believe our professional manufactory system, good quality control system, on time delivery, cost control and years of experience will be obtained customer's never ending support in the growth of business.

Our main markets are Europe and USA,focus on fashion styles.We have passed CE,SGS and PRIMARK audit.

Company Introduction:


Tel: 86-755-86058574 ext.815
Mobile phone:86-(0)13480176296
Contact person:Alex Chau
Email: alex.chau@morcce.com
Post Code:518053

Brief Introduction:
1. Factory Location: Guangzhou City,Guangdong Province, China
2. Establishment: establish in 2006
3. Factory scale: over 200 employees
4. Main product: All kinds of bags,wallets,coin purses,cosmetic bags and belts
6. Monthly production: 500000pcs for bags;100000pcs for belts;
7. MOQ: 500pcs per style
8. Sample time:7-10days.
9. Delivery time: 30-45days after pp sample approval.
10. Delivery term: FOB Yantian,Shenzhen.
11. Payment term: 30%deposit,70%againest copy of BL.