Handbags are one accessory we use every day, and most of us have one bag that we use most of the time. Without changing your handbag every day, we want it to look like we have matched it specifically to the outfit we are wearing, so it has to go with most things in our wardrobe. Whether you like it or not your handbag says a lot about who you are, make sure it matches your personality and the image you want to portray.
Your everyday handbag has to match or blend with the majority of your outfits, so it is best to choose a mid-range colour. Avoid the really warm colours like red or the cool colours like ice blue. Choose a neutral colour. While many women think that a black handbag automatically goes with every outfit, you do not have to limit the colour to boring black if you don't want to. Chocolate, purple, and turquoise are all great neutral colours that will blend or match most outfits. As an alternative you could choose a multicoloured handbag with colours from your favourite outfits.
Your handbag needs to match your body size in scale. If you are a petit woman, carrying a huge handbag looks odd. A large framed women carrying a small handbag also has a tendancy to look a little odd. Choose a handbag that provides a scale and balance to your body.
Body Shape
Think about your body shape. With most body shapes, mirroring the shape will accentuate it. If you have an apple shaped body and come across as round, an angular rather than rounded handbag will suit you best. If you are pear-shaped, with a larger bottom, do not emphasise this by carrying a pear-shaped handbag that bulges at the bottom and slims at the top in shape.
2015 fashion pu handbag with lock and pole-chain |
Material: PU, PU Gender: Women Style: Shoulder Bag Place of Origin: Guangdong, China (Mainland) Brand Name: MORCCE FASHION Model Number: MCBG33101 Size: 24cm*12cm*18cm Color: optional